Ed Vere 6 books collection set (grumpy frog, how to be a lion, mr big, bedtime for monsters, banana, the getaway)
Original price was: $52.00.$26.00Current price is: $26.00.
(In Stock)
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
How to be a LionFrom the New York Times-bestselling author of Max the Brave comes a powerful story celebrating daydreamers, individuality and the quiet courage to be yourself.”Positive role models showing boys how to be a whole person are few and far between these days. This marvelous book triumphs in that essential job.” Kirkus.”Children will feel empowered after reading such a deliberate story of unyielding strength and self-awareness. Thoughtful and provocative words to live by.” School Library Journal.
Mr BigMr Big is strong, Mr Big is tough, Mr Big is . . . well . . . BIG!He has just one small problem – because of the way he looks he just can’t get people to stick around.How can he show them that although he may look a little scary, he is just a great big softy inside?With his trademark bold colour and masterful graphic simplicity, Ed Vere sensitively and humorously tackles the universal and current subject of inclusion, reminding the reader that to get to know someone you need to look beyond their exterior.
Bedtime for MonstersBedtime for Monsters is Ed Vere’s hilarious monsterish tale – with a big twist!What if a monster were looking for a bedtime snack? And what if that snack just happened to be you? GULP! He’s getting closer and closer . . . and his tummy is rumbling REALLY loudly. You’d be very scared! BUT all this monster actually wants is a lovely monster-sized goodnight kiss. Night, night!Ed Vere is also the author and illustrator of Mr Big, the story about the big Gorilla with the big heart and The Getaway. Banana, his book for preschoolers, is the perfect book about manners but only has two words – ‘yes please’ of course!
BananaGetting what you want can be tricky, especially if you don’t ask in quite the right way. Follow one little monkey’s journey through many emotions as he tries every trick in the book to get hold of his friend’s banana, until he finally hits on the magic word – please! Using only two words, this is a fantastic introduction to the value of manners and compromise for young children. Packed with humour, colour and exuberance, this is a brilliant observation of toddler behaviour.
The GetawayFingers McGraw is the sneakiest cheese thief in town. He’s on the run with the law on his tail and he needs you to help him make his getaway! Keep a look out for the big eyes, large feet and long nose of officer Elephant as you follow Fingers’ trail through downtown New York and remember, even the best look-out can fail and even the sneakiest of thieves get caught…or do they?
Ed Vere 6 books collection set (grumpy frog, how to be a lion, mr big, bedtime for monsters, banana, the getaway)
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