The Edge Chronicles Level : 7 to 12 Books Collection 6 Books Set (Last of Sky Pirates, Vox)
Original price was: $59.99.$30.00Current price is: $30.00.
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Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
The Edge Chronicles Level : 7 to 12 Books Collection 6 Books Set includes titles in this collection :- The Last of the Sky Pirates, Vox, Freeglader, The Immortals, The Nameless One, Doombringer. Description:- The Edge Chronicles 7: The Last of the Sky Pirates Rook Barkwater lives in the network of sewer-chambers beneath Undertown, the bustling main city of the Edgeworld. He dreams of becoming a librarian knight one of those sent out to explore the mysteries of their world. Somewhere out there lie the secrets of the past including the lost floating city of Sanctaphrax and hope for a future free from the fear of tyranny. The Edge Chronicles 8: Vox High in the crumbling Palace of Statues, oily Vox Verlix – nominally the Most High Academe but no more than a prisoner in reality – is brewing a terrible plot to destroy the goblins and the shrykes at a stroke, leaving him free to take over once again. Rook Barkwater, a young librarian knight, stumbles upon the truth when he is taken captive and forced to work for Rook. The Edge Chronicles 9: Freeglader Fleeing from the ruins of New Undertown, young librarian knight Rook Barkwater and his colleagues Felix Lodd and his banderbear friends must lead the escaping population to a new life in the Free Glades. The Edge Chronicles 10: The Immortals Its five hundred years into the third age of flight and mighty phraxships steam across the immensity of the Deepwoods, plying their lucrative trade between the three great cities. But all across the Edge, trouble is brewing. The Edge Chronicles : The Nameless One Cade Quarter has never met his uncle, the infamous descender Nate Quarter, who years ago committed heresy by lowering himself over the cliff-face of the Edge. The Edge Chronicles 12: Doombringer Cade Quarter is building a new life for himself in the wild Farrow Ridges, miles away from civilization and from the enemies who are seeking him.
The Edge Chronicles Level : 7 to 12 Books Collection 6 Books Set (The Last of the Sky Pirates, Vox, Freeglader, The Immortals, The Nameless One, Doombringer)
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