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200 More slow cooker recipes, lose weight for good slow cooker diet, slow cooker soup diet and the diet bible 4 books collection set

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Format: Paperback

200 More Slow Cooker Recipes: Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook (Hamlyn All Colour Cookery) Having limited time to spend in the kitchen need not mean beans on toast every night. With a slow cooker and minimal preparation time you can rustle up delicious stews, sauces and soups, as well as indulgent sweet treats. Simply leave your ingredients to cook throughout the day or overnight, and there will always be a hot meal waiting for you at the end of a busy day. In our second volume of slow cooker recipes in the Hamlyn All Colour series, we show you how versatile a slow cooker really is. Why not treat yourself to a Red pepper, sage and chorizo frittata, a fish terrine or a Salmon and asparagus risotto? And if you thought desserts were not for slow cooking, think again! Here we show you how to create a mouthwatering collection of treats, including; Hot banana and chocolate mousses, Date and ginger syrup pudding and Blueberry and lemon curd upside down puddings.


200 More slow cooker recipes,

lose weight for good slow cooker diet,

slow cooker soup diet

the diet bible




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