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Bosh Simple Recipes, Bish Bash Bosh Cookbook , Vegan Longevity Diet, How Not To Die Collection 4 Books Set

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Bosh Simple Recipes [Hardcover], Bish Bash Bosh Cookbook [Hardcover], Vegan Longevity Diet, How Not To Die Collection 4 Books Set. Description:- BOSH!: Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants. The Fastest-Selling Vegan Cookbook Ever In BOSH! The Cookbook, Ian and Henry share over 140 of their favourite go-to breakfasts, crowd-pleasing party pieces, hearty dinners, sumptuous desserts & incredible sharing cocktails.The book is jam-packed with fun, unpretentious and mega satisfying recipes, including Creamy Mac and Greens, Burrito Samosas, the Big Bhaji Burger, the Worlds Best Pesto Lasagne, Satay Sweet Potato BOSH! BISH BASH BOSH!: Your Favourites. All Plants. The brand-new plant-based cookbook In BISH BASH BOSH! youll discover a whole world of quick eats, weeknight suppers, showstopping feasts, and incredible sweet treats all using the power of plants. From a hearty, classic lasagne to an indulgent mini banoffee meringue, and from quick quesadillas to an incredible curry house jalfrezi, these are simple, savvy recipes that youll turn to time and again. The Vegan Longevity Diet: Eat fat to live longer, slow ageing, reverse disease and faster-sustained weight loss Of all the basic tenets of our lives, health is perhaps the most important. The vegan diet is one of the healthiest diets of all stemming from fresh, natural and wholesome foods. Many of us still shun the vegan diet with the misguided idea that it’s all about eating bland-tasting greens; which couldn’t be further from the truth. How Not To Die: Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease How Not To Die gives effective, scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent our biggest killers – including heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes – and reveals the astounding health benefits that simple dietary choices can provide.


Bosh Simple Recipes [Hardcover], Bish Bash Bosh Cookbook [Hardcover], Vegan Longevity Diet, How Not To Die Collection 4 Books Set




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