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Buddha at bedtime, the buddhas and the calm 3 books collection set

Original price was: $124.99.Current price is: $62.50.

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SKU: BF121744555308 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

buddha at bedtime, the buddhas apprentice at bedtime and the calm buddha at bedtime 3 books collection set – tales of wisdom, compassion and mindfulness to read with your child. Description:- Buddha at Bedtime Growing up in the modern world, our children have to cope with ever-increasing amounts of stress, which can hinder their development. The ancient wisdom of Buddhism, with its emphasis on peace, love and compassion, is the ideal basis for helping any child to face these challenges with inner confidence and calm. Building on the age-old art of storytelling, this beautiful book re-tells 20 ancient Buddhist tales in a way that is thoroughly fun and accessible to children. The Buddhas Apprentice at Bedtime Practising Buddhist and master storyteller Dharmachari Nagaraja weaves a thrilling tale with basic life lessons that will help children to develop their personality, deal with their anxieties, and find peace and confidence as they grow up. The stories explore themes from the Eightfold Path, which is Buddhism’s practical route to a happy life. The Calm Buddha at Bedtime: Tales of Wisdom, Compassion and Mindfulness to Read with Your Child Growing up in the modern world, our children can often feel distracted, stressed and anxious. The ancient wisdom of Buddhism, with its emphasis on peace, compassion and mindfulness, is the ideal basis for helping any child face the challenges of daily life with increased confidence and calm.


buddha at bedtime, the buddhas apprentice at bedtime and the calm buddha at bedtime 3 books collection set – tales of wisdom, compassion and mindfulness to read with your child




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