Fast Diet, Clever Guts Diet, 6 Week Challenge Blood Sugar Diet, 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet and Recipe Book 5 Books Collection Set
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Format: Paperback
Fast Diet, Clever Guts Diet, 6 Week Challenge Blood Sugar Diet, 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet and Recipe Book 5 Books Collection Set – Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, Live Longer, Lose weight fast and reprogramme your body. Description:- The Clever Guts Diet: How to revolutionise your body from the inside out Your gut is astonishingly clever. It contains millions of neurons – as many as you would find in the brain of a cat – and is home to the microbiome, trillions of microbes that influence your mood, your immune system, and even your appetite. The 6 Week Challenge Blood Sugar Diet The Blood Sugar Diet provides you with more than 75 recipes for healthy breakfasts &brunches, appetizers & snacks, light lunches, dinners and desserts and will transform your life in just six weeks by lowering your blood sugar levels and body weight. Learn about the global diabetes epidemic. The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet Recipe Book 8-WEEK BLOOD SUGAR DIET revealed a game-changing approach to weight loss that not only lowers blood sugar levels, but can also reverse and prevent type 2 diabetes. In this fabulous companion cookbook, Dr Clare Bailey, GP and wife of Michael Mosley, has teamed up with renowned nutritionist. The Fast Diet: Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, Live Longer – Revised and Updated Dr Mosley’s Fast Diet has become the health phenomenon of our times. And for good reason. This radical approach to weight loss really is as simple as it sounds. You eat normally for five days a week, then for just two days you cut your calorie intake (600 for men, 500 for women). The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet: Lose weight fast and reprogramme your body The food we eat today, high in sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates, is not only making us fat, but is putting us at risk of type 2 diabetes, strokes, dementia, cancer and a lifetime on medication. More than a third of adults in the UK now have raised blood sugar levels and most don’t know it.
Fast Diet, Clever Guts Diet, 6 Week Challenge Blood Sugar Diet, 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet and Recipe Book 5 Books Collection Set
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