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Gin the manual, gin tonica, 101 gins to try before you die, parisian cocktails 4 books collection set

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Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Hardcover

Gin the manual, gin tonica, 101 gins to try before you die, parisian cocktails 4 books collection set. Description:- Gin: The Manual In recent years, gin has shed its old-fashioned image and been reborn as a hot and hip spirit. The number of brands grows every day and bartenders – and consumers – are now beginning to re-examine gin as a quality base spirit for drinks both simple and complex. Gin Tonica: 40 recipes for Spanish-style gin and tonic cocktails Spaniards love their gin and tonics. In Spain, the bartender doesnt ask you what you want to drink, he asks you how you want your gin and tonic prepared. This simplest of drinks just gin, tonic, ice and a garnish is now considered the national drink of Spain. The trend started in the north of Spain, in Basque country, where you can walk into a bar and upon ordering you are presented with a cart teeming with gin and tonic options to create your very own bespoke drink. 101 Gins: To Try Before You Die We’re in the middle of a new Gin Craze. Scarcely a day goes by without an established brand offering a fresh take on their established styles or, more likely, a new boutique distillery opening its doors – where gin is de rigueur. From Adnams to Zuidam; Beefeater to Bombay and London to Plymouth (and beyond) this new book from a best-selling drinks writer is the authoritative guide to the world of gin, and the first book to explore the explosion of innovative gin brands and the artisanal distillers that are reinventing this most English of drinks. Parisian Cocktails: 65 elegant drinks and bites from the City of Light Is there any better city to drink in than Paris? City of romance, of midnight strolls by the Seine, of cocktails deux overlooking the bright lights of the Eiffel Tower, of afternoons whiled away with a book in a Left Bank caf.Please note, the image is for illustrative purposes only, actual book covers, binding and edition may vary.


Gin the manual, gin tonica, 101 gins to try before you die, parisian cocktails 4 books collection set




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