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Joe Wicks Collection 3 Books Set Lean in 15 The Shift Plan,Fat-Loss Plan

Original price was: $37.00.Current price is: $29.60.

(In Stock)

SKU: BF121744556959 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

Veggie Lean in 15:
From Smoky Sweet Potato Chilli to ‘Creamy’ Butternut Pasta, Veggie Lean in 15 features a fantastic range of meat-free dishes, all prepared in fifteen minutes flat. The recipes are ideal for full- and part-time veggies, as well as those wishing to cut down on eating meat in a healthy and delicious way. There are also plenty of make-ahead ideas to get you prepping like a boss in no time at all.

Lean in 15 The Shift Plan:
Lean in 15 The Shift Plan features a hundred recipes for nutritious, quick-to-prepare meals including his bad-boy burrito and oaty chicken and guides you through Joe’s signature HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) home workouts revealing how to combine food and exercise to ignite intense fat-burning. It will teach you how to fuel your body with the right food at the right time so you burn fat, build lean muscle and never go hungry.

The Fat-Loss Plan:
Inside the book is a combination of reduced-carb, post-workout and snacks and sweet treat recipes all incredibly tasty and easy to make in 15 minutes flat. Every recipe is filling and fuels you with energy for your day and your workout including Steak Taco with Lime Salsa, Lamb Kofte Tagine and Veggie Super Bowl. Thanks to sample weekly plans, Joe makes it simple for you to prep like a boss and eat well every day of the week.


Joe Wicks Collection 3 Books Set




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