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Kitty Neale Collection 7 Books Set (Family Betrayal, Abandoned Child)

Original price was: $124.99.Current price is: $62.50.

(In Stock)

SKU: BF121744556585 Category:


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

Family Betrayal:
Set on the mean streets of 1960s South London.MENACINGThe Drapers rule the streets of South London. Everyone’s afraid of them and that’s just how they like it.But when tempers flare and a family feud spirals out of control, tragedy strikes, leaving eldest son Danny in charge.

Abandoned Child:
Penny s childhood was spent in the shadows of her mother s business schemes, feeling alone and unimportant. It fell to Lorna, her mother s acquaintance, to take care of the lonely little girl, but the rejection always cut deep.

A Mothers Sacrifice:
Glenda Jenkins has been beaten by her husband Harry one too many times and this time hes put her in a hospital bed. Battered and bruised, Glenda slowly makes her recovery.

A Father’s Revenge:
Thirteen years have passed since Kevin Dolby was sent to prison for robbery with violence.In the meantime, his ex wife Pearl Button has divorced him and remarried, determined to protect her son from knowing who his real father is.

A Daughter’s Disgrace:
Alison is the ugly duckling of her family and has always been treated with disdain by her mother. After years of being bullied, she is drawn to the one man who shows her affection.

A Family Scandal:
Mavis Pugh has had a hard life. Despised and abused throughout her teenage years, she turned to the first man who showed her kindness.

A Broken Family:
Celia Frost has always thought herself a cut above the other residents of Lark Rise in Battersea. When her beloved son, Thomas, starts seeing Amy Miller, a girl from the bottom of the Rise, Celia disapproves, thinking her common.


Kitty Neale Collection 7 Books Set (Family Betrayal, Abandoned Child, A Mothers Sacrifice, A Father’s Revenge, A Daughter’s Disgrace, A Family Scandal, A Broken Family)




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