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The Body Keeps, Dal Medicine, Whole Foods , Hidden 4 Books Collection Set

Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $21.60.

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SKU: BF121744557098 Categories: , ,


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

The Body Keeps the Score:
The effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world’s experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.

Dal Medicine Cookbook:
The Secret Hidden Healing Power of Herbs & Spices. Dal medicine cookbook : The Secret hidden healing power of herbs & spices Dal is india’s most versatile and wholesome food, capable of adding a dash of flavour and warmth to transform any meal. For so many of us, dal transcends boards

Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet Plan Fresh Start:
Restore your energy, heal your gut and lose weight! Take 30 days to restart your metabolism and establish a new healthy relationship with food. By omitting processed foods from your diet and eating delicious, healthy whole foods including fresh vegetables, seafood, meat, plenty of good fats from seeds, fruits, nuts & fatty fish you will begin to regain your energy and significantly reduce systemic inflammation.

Hidden Healing Powers Of Super & Whole Foods:
Hidden Healing powers of Super & Whole Foods: The human body, by design, is built to survive It knows to regenerate cells, to remove toxins and with its inbuilt immune system, to fight disease and illness.


The Body Keeps, Dal Medicine, Whole Foods , Hidden 4 Books Collection Set




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