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The Hairy Bikers, The Diabetes Weight-Loss , Diabetes 3 Books Collection Set

Original price was: $41.00.Current price is: $32.80.

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SKU: BF121744556272 Categories: ,


Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Mixed lot

The Hairy Bikers Eat to Beat Type 2 Diabetes:
In this paperback, first of a new healthy eating series, the Hairy Bikers prove that you can still eat your favourite foods while staying healthy and losing weight. With their delicious, low-cal versions of traditional classics and family favourites, the Bikers take the deprivation out of restrictive diets and are here to help you shift the pounds.

The Diabetes Weight-Loss Cookbook:
‘The food has been filling and quite simple to make… I’m not missing anything. I am satisfied.’ Sharon, tester on ITV’s Save Money: Lose Weight ‘I believe we have eaten our way into this epidemic of diabetes and obesity and that we can eat our way out of it’ Dr David Unwin from his Foreword In 2012 Giancarlo Caldesi was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Since adopting a low-carb diet he has lost almost 4 stone and put his diabetes into remission – transforming his and his family’s health.

Diabetes Type 2 Healing Code – 5 Ingredients:
If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, then you’ll know it can be a frightening, stressful, and confusing time. There is no getting around the fact that diabetes is a serious condition. However, the good news is you can help prevent, manage, and potentially reverse diabetes by following a specially designed diet.


The Hairy Bikers Eat to Beat Type 2 Diabetes, The Diabetes Weight-Loss Cookbook [Hardcover], Diabetes Type 2 Healing Code – 5 Ingredients 3 Books Collection Set




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